Attract authentic connections by turning up the dial of your Sun sign

Nicole Skyler
4 min readDec 2, 2023


How to be the perfect date and keep them wanting more. Step one. Throw this idea in the trash.

You are the prize. You never need contort nor dim yourself to win anyone over. To attract a quality partner, proudly own and radiate what’s amazing about you.

Astrology is a total dating hack when it comes to bypassing the fakes, users, and emotional abusers. And zeroing in on people who are genuine and want to share valuable time and space with you.

Your astrological birth chart is filled to the brim with golden keys. All of which grant you access to deeper insight and understanding of what works specifically for you when it comes to love and attraction.

But let’s start simple.

Your Sun sign. It’s more than just a first date ice-breaker. It’s a part of you that should never be dimmed.

Radiating your Sun sign is a crucial part of dating authentically. Often we think we will have greater success in finding a partner by becoming what we think the other will find desirable.

We may shape our behaviors and opinions to better match theirs. We hold back parts of ourself. And worse, compromise our own needs and boundaries. All in an effort to prove to ourselves that we can win them. That we are worthy of being chosen.

A far too common and detrimental behavior, when on the quest for love and personal connection.

This method of watering yourself down simply doesn’t work. It may entertain and interest some for a bit. But the little attention you gain will be short-lived and void of the affection you truly deserve.

Even if you do meet someone of quality character. Say all the right things. Match their level of interest. If you do so at the expense of holding back your true feelings and opinions. They will intuitively sense the disconnect you have with yourself. On a subconscious level it will deter them and be a turn-off.

So rather than focusing on how/if they’ll choose you. Focus on choosing yourself first. Way before a date happens. Do this by committing to being yourself. Shining confidently. Not afraid of being too much or not enough.

Here’s how your Sun sign can help you feel confident in staying true to yourself.

Read up on the qualities of your Sun sign and start wearing these qualities as proud badges of personal honor. As well as powerful deflectors to ward off unsuitable matches.

For example, a Virgo likely enjoys when things are planned and organized. So if someone you’re interested in is making loose, open-ended plans with you. Speak up. Proudly own that set dates and places make you feel good.

Just like a Pisces should never hide the fact that they are sensitive beings who love to dream. Share about the special way you feel and sense energy. Even if it doesn’t make sense to someone. It’s an intriguing and endearing quality about you.

And Geminis, do not worry about being, “too-chatty,” or all over the place. You have the gift of gab and ideas. Who cares if you go off on a tangent or lose the point. The right person will have fun and be along for the ride.

The people who are best for you are going to love your unique quirks and flavor. But they won’t be able to find you, if you continue to dim your own light. And aren’t comfortable being seen.

Your Sun sign qualities are meant to be seen and cherished.

The qualities depicted in your Sun sign are what people are meant to see and feel from you. Read up on them. When you need a confidence boost. Or want to know what some of your strengths are. Or when you’re unsure about how to show up authentically.

Use your Sun sign qualities to check yourself. And ensure you’re in alignment with what you say and mean. Being in alignment with your personal expression is key to establishing healthy relationships.

Is it going to make everyone like and choose you? No. But that’s a great thing. Because it means you’re getting closer to finding a true match in someone. More importantly, you’re becoming a true match for your highest good.

It’s time to turn your Sun sign dial way up. Radiate your worth and confidence. So the right one can find and fall in love with the real you.



Nicole Skyler

Love is the North Star of my work. Guidance through heart-break, self-worth, and healing will be found here. All through a divine cosmic lens. @nicole.skyler_