Astro-Confidence so irresistible, they will lock in the second date before the night is over.

Nicole Skyler
5 min readDec 22, 2023


You’re meeting someone for the first time. You look gorgeous and you feel good. The question of “will they like me?” Doesn’t even exist in your mental vocabulary. You know what you bring to the table. You’re the prize. And they’re about to see why.

This is how it feels to date with Astro-confidence. It’s more than feeling pretty. More than the ego boost you get from 80 likes on your new selfie.

Astro-confidence makes them want more. Makes them lock in the second date.

Not all confidence is created equal.

There’s the confidence we gain externally. Compliments, attention, a new outfit, a raise, etc. All of which feel amazing to receive. We feel seen and validated. And sure, our confidence will rise along with the praise.

In addition to feeling good. Externally sourced confidence is also unsustainable. It can be taken away just as easily as it’s given. And there will never be enough of it to satiate you feeling whole and worthy. Allowing you to receive the best from life and love.

Externally sourced confidence can also be addictive. The more we receive it. The more we need it. And seek it out in order to feel good.

Often, this is the energy people go into a first date with. With a nervous hope. They go in thinking, “I really hope they like me.” Which isn’t such a bad thing.

But when the underlying subconscious is actually saying, “I need them to pick me and prove that I am good enough.” Well, this is when dating becomes doomed.

This is when it’s time to start shifting the way you create your own confidence. And one of the most fun and gratifying ways to do this is through your personal astrology.

Astro-Confidence will have you, and your dates falling hard.

To be over the moon in love with thyself is to know thyself, body and soul. That is the gift of Astrology. To see, understand, and alchemize, all parts of you. Not just the size of your body. But what makes your body relax and breathe deeper.

Not only what you desire. But the inspiration and motivation it takes to get there. Astrology will show you what about you is effortlessly attractive. As well, astrology will show you the less appealing parts of you, you try so hard to avoid.

Astrology is your body and soul blueprint. It’s a star map to your highest expression and your greatest defeats.

Astrology will have you going after everything that is meant for you. Realizing your flaws along the way. Loving them. And wielding them into power.

Learn the meaning of the placements and planets in your chart, and you will see yourself in a whole new light. You will fall in love with yourself in a more meaningful way.

And yea. That energy is sexy as hell. That energy is Astro-confidence. It’s just what you need in the dating quest to meet the love of your life.

With Astro-Confidence you’ll start attracting better.

Better meaning, a better match for you. Better quality of communication and clarity in dating. Better effort and thoughtfulness. And people whose love and relationship goals better align with yours.

So just how does astrology do all this and more?

It’s simple really. The more you start to learn and trust yourself by following your personal blueprint, the more clear and confident your actions and beliefs will become.

You’ll start showing up differently. You’ll stop settling for less. You’ll be a clear example of what you deserve and expect. By universal law, you will attract better.

Let’s discuss a clear example of this you can put to use today.

Your Venus placement. This may or may not be something you know based on your level of astrological self-study. But it can be easily found by pulling up your personal birth chart online. One of my favorite sites to use is

Venus represents love, beauty, money, and attraction. Once you know the sign and house of your Venus placement, you can start using this information to attract better.

Look up the physical and metaphorical traits of the sign your Venus is in. For example, my Venus is in Virgo. The physical body part ruled by Virgo is the digestive system. When I attend to my diet and gut health, my attraction amplifies with ease.

Metaphorically, Virgo represents productivity, planning, and attention to detail. Letting people see all the “crazy” inner-workings of my mind, only makes me more attractive. I would never water those things down.

The second step is to learn about the house your Venus falls into. Again, myself as an example. My Venus is in my 3rd house. The 3rd house is the area of learning, communication, and education.

Naturally, speaking and writing are easeful for me. A continued pursuit of knowledge makes me more magnetic. Sharing knowledge or doing something educational on a date, heightens my appeal.

This is only one facet of your personal astrology. There are so many other codes you can apply in becoming Astro-confident and attracting better. Your Sun sign is another great place to start. Start here.

What about Astro-confidence gets them hooked and wanting more.

Aware or not, people are intuitive by nature. Deeper than physical attraction, our energy has a way of drawing people closer, or repelling them.

When you are secure in who you are, what you want, and what you need, people want to be around you. Because they want to feel that way too. They want a taste of what you have.

Also, they will want to be around you because you don’t need them. With Astro-confidence, you are filling your own cup first. You are the source and provider of your needs being met.

They get to be a bonus. And that eliminates pressure for both parties. You’re not leaning in too much. They aren’t pulling away. There’s an easeful balance to the dynamic.

Well okay, they might be the ones leaning in a little more.

But you remain. Open, but protective of your energy. Soft, but strong in your sense of self. Gracious, yet unwavering in your standards.

The ball is always in your court with Astro-confidence.



Nicole Skyler

Love is the North Star of my work. Guidance through heart-break, self-worth, and healing will be found here. All through a divine cosmic lens. @nicole.skyler_