8 amazing ways your life becomes better when you do this for your friends.

Nicole Skyler
4 min readJan 26, 2021

The power in playing the supporting role.

You have friends working to build a brand or business for themselves. You catch them online, showing up, and showing off the product of their time and energy.

A friend who is an artist, virtual yoga instructor, or vegan chef. It could be that your lovely friend simply shares their personal knowledge and experiences online, and their message deeply resonates with you.

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

This right here, is your calling to commit harder to supporting these people in your life.

2020 rocked life as we knew it. So many solid people lost the jobs they depended on. They lost their professional identities and financial means of support.

Now they are trying to navigate and create a sustainable life for themselves, using their own unique skill sets and talents.

For the first time ever, they’re following their dreams. Trying to make the world better, or at-least brighter. And you know something? It’s scary as hell.

They need your support. And the beautiful thing, giving that support will elevate the quality and value of your life so damn much.

Here are 8 ways your life becomes better by supporting your friends.

1. Supporting your friend’s independent business makes your community more diverse.

Small businesses bring zest and charm to your community. Your friends that create art, food, music, and clothes, are saving you from a life that resembles one big Walmart. The more creation and inspiration, the more options available to you.

2. The more successful your friends, the more successful you will become.

Countless success gurus warn, “you are the average of the company you keep.” It’s true. Want to grow and elevate your value? Lift up those around you, and you will always rise to meet them.

3. Redirect funds from big-business to people you actually care about.

You work hard for your money. And there’s a sense of power in consciously deciding where your money ends up. When you support individuals, you take part in dismantling inflated, value-less corporations.

4. Get an instant happy-boost by lifting someone’s spirit.

When we make someone else feel good, we instantly feel better about ourselves. Recognizing someone else’s hard work is a sure way to brighten their day. They will respond to you with utter gratitude. And it’s just the pick up you need.

5. Be the reason your friends believe in themselves.

We all doubt ourselves. We’re all afraid to fail. Just imagine, you can be that person in someone’s life that gave them the courage to keep going. Your support could be the ounce of hope that stopped them from giving up. That’s incredible!

6. Build a community of people that will be first in line to support you on your endeavors.

There will come a time when you need support. And guess who will be first in line to help you achieve your dreams and goals? The people you showed up for. They will not forget it, and they will show up for you too.

7. Cultivate positive karma for yourself.

Basic rule of life: You get what you give. If you desire a life of support, kindness, and graciousness, you should be first to give those things. It will all, undoubtedly make its way back to you.

8. Design a world of abundance around you.

It’s easy to feel like you’re too late to the game. Or that everyone else is already doing the thing you want to do. But, so what? There’s always room at the top for one more.

Design the type of life where possibility and transformation exist. Show your friends that they can achieve great things. And it becomes true for you too.

You want to make an impact in the world? Want to do meaningful work? Start by supporting your friends.

Make an order for their baked goods. Commission one of their paintings. Sign up for their virtual workout.

Can’t afford to? Share their content. Or simply send them a comment that says, “this is great, keep going.”

There are ways in which you can support people that will cost you little to nothing, but will make all the difference in their world and yours.

Photo by Raghu Nayyar on Unsplash



Nicole Skyler

Love is the North Star of my work. Guidance through heart-break, self-worth, and healing will be found here. All through a divine cosmic lens. @nicole.skyler_